In recent years many residential areas built in the form of clusters. A group of houses with clear boundaries and have only one entrance in jaga.Keuntungan of this kind of clear the area, security becomes easily manageable because this is essentially a way to unite the security of any residential building units into others is that each unit satu.Keuntungan dwelling house located within the cluster could be "removed" so that the living fence outside / landscape in clusters feels more spacious without losing the sense of security. However, the cluster system has a fundamental weakness of the isolation environment with short-term sekitar.Untuk did this isolation could still be tolerated, or even this isolation is required because the adjacent environment is less supportive of environmental comfort in cluster.Tetapi for the long term and to the arrangement in This is an urban scale isolation pengkotak unwanted social boxed for a community town.
Are there other ways that can make a region continue to feel safe while continuing to maintain a direct relationship with the surrounding environment? There. And it is mentioned as a technology, called "The Defensible Space" technology called because the system was developed based on testing a theory perdasarkan by conducting in-depth research on residential areas diseantero United States in connection with the level of security that occurred.
What is Defensible Space, and his background? :
On July 30, 1972 a complex of public housing (public housing) who called Pruit Igoe in St. downtown. Louis in the State of Missouri in the U.S. in until flush with tanah.Seluruh robohkan complex consisting of eleven 30-storey building and contains a 2780 apartment units worth 300 million dollars was not only failing to fulfill its function but also dangerous for occupancy. Dangerous? How could a residential complex dangerous? It's not a weakness but a misconception desain.Bangunan structure consisting of hundreds of apartment dwelling units must have a corridor connecting corridors and open spaces or closed spaces that can be used bersama.Di Pruit Igoe corridors in apartment block intended as a place of social interaction changed to the scene of the crime and violence and vandalism on all levels. Designed as a playground where children develop self-practice teen turned into a place of violence. Finally at one point the most needy families choose to live on the streets rather than inhabiting it and Pruit Igoe apertemen met his end only about 12 years after inaugurated.
The entire complex was designed by Minoru Yamasaki during the peak of what is referred to as the flow of modernism architecture. This flow is basically rationalize all aspects of architectural design in line with the spirit that brought about by advances in technology and industry in his day. Architectural modernism for about a decade starting from the time of World War II berahirnya experiencing the golden age. Actually a lot of similar apartments apartment Pruit-Igoe was built with the principles of modernism built and managed. Only difference Pruit Igoe apartment is part of Public Housing project funded by the government and intended for occupancy by lower-class society in which it is impossible to provide funding for system safety. So similar to the Cheap Flats are being built in Indonesia.Sementara massive utopian principles in the design of architectural modernism succeeded in the design of apartments for the middle class and above work well, in fact, it collides with the principles of the social reality of the world's lower-class society. Then living is a big question, what should be done so that this tragedy does not happen again? What lesson can be drawn? Lessons were carefully look good either by an architect named Oscar Newman in a study aimed to examine the crime in residential areas.
Oscar Newman is an architect who is very concerned with the social environment of an area of study that perumahan.Dengan Oscar Newman managed to build the kind of design principles for good neighborhood called the Space.Defensible Defensible Space is to design a residential environment that considers several physical elements / building of a few things:
1. Teritoriality, namely a feeling of belonging and control the environment of a group of occupancy for the sake of having a sense of security penghuninya.Perasan this can only be obtained if a space around the dwelling units have clear boundaries.
2. Monitoring of the environment (Natural Surveillance) = Occupants can directly observe the public areas which are in its territory.
3. Image is the ability of physical design for member security.
4. Milieu, elements that can support the environmental elements of security such as proximity to a police station or crowded places.
The point is that a building will always create a space / territories with different levels keprivasian diverse. And Composition keprivasian space determines how secure the building from the disruption of crime and vandalism.Tingkat keprivasian starting from the privacy of space such as space in an apartment which is considered the most sacred for the residents, to public space where everyone including penghuninnya can not enter freely. Between two levels that have some level keprivasian keprivasian among other semi-private and semi-public. Defensible space is especially important when a building lot level (above 10 floors), inhabited by many types of apartments / flats.