Saturday, December 1, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
apertemen often visit people in the

FOR some people who have a pocket thickness Indonesia, Singapore shopping paradise not just clothing, such as clothes, shoes, and handbags, but also to buy up the board aka nirvana residence.
Not a few of our citizens who purchase residences such as apartments in the State is the Merlion. Just look at sales data for an apartment project owned by Far East Organization. From about 7300 transactions, the rich man from Indonesia became one of the most residential buyers tall in Singapore. "Buyers from Indonesia is our second largest buyer after the buyer in Singapore," said Assistant Marketing Manager Far East, Maikel Tanuwidjaja.
There are two apartments being built Far East. First, Apartments Silver Sea which stands on 2.2 hectares and has four towers as high as 21 floors. Its location on the East Coast beach area, about 10 minutes from Changi Airport.
Second, cyan Apartment built on the Bukit Timah area of 1.4 hectares of land. Not to be outdone, Frasers Hospitality Hospitality is also working on a new apartment project that is named Fusionopolis Apartments. There are two types that they offer, which is overlooking Fraser Suites River Valley, and overlooks the Fraser Place Robertson Quay area. "Our goal is to executives," said Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Frasers Hospitality Hospitality Choe Peng Sum.
Proud Nirwanjaya, property analysts, say, residential developers in Singapore are being aggressively marketed-insurgent apartment. Understandably, many world famous company that opened a branch or representative office in Singapore. For marketing, Proud added, Singapore developers rely on buyers from overseas, especially Indonesia.
Observer property of Jones Lang LaSalle Indonesia, Anton Sitorus, adding, Singapore is still an option for many foreign nationals, including Indonesia. "Basically, our people have money. Yes spending anything over there. Clothes shopping there, including property, tourism has been considered, "says Anton.
According Maikel, until August 2009, apartment buyers from Indonesia reached 22 percent of the total number of apartment buyers in Singapore. Approximately 60 percent of them buy apartments for occupancy, while the rest make the investment.
Now, said Maikel, property developers still choose to build the Orchard Road area apartment project. But in the future, as the increasingly crowded area, will move to an apartment building in coastal areas. "Already many developers are starting to offer Singapore's coastal region," said Maikel.
Maikel and Proud rate, the construction of apartments in Singapore until the end of this year will continue to squirm. Development projects were delayed due to the global crisis will re-rolling as the world economic recovery. So, "There is no rescheduled again for the construction of apartments," said Maikel.
Chairman of Real Estate Indonesia (REI) Teguh Satria revealed, when the storms beat global crisis, property prices in Singapore had dropped to 40 percent. Selling price of properties in the country from two million to six million Singapore dollars per unit. However, price declines are only briefly. You see, "The value of the investment return would skyrocketed because demand is high enough," said Teguh.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Have a good quality apartment
Saturday, September 1, 2007
apertemen lace class

Apartment rental PATRIA PARK NEED QUICK, GOOD UNIT Facing NORTH, PRICE can nego, live lift a suitcase .... Strategically located only 10 m
apertemen lace class

Apartment rental PATRIA PARK NEED QUICK, GOOD UNIT Facing NORTH, PRICE can nego, live lift a suitcase .... Strategically located only 10 m. ..
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
apertemen expensive

In recent years many residential areas built in the form of clusters. A group of houses with clear boundaries and have only one entrance in jaga.Keuntungan of this kind of clear the area, security becomes easily manageable because this is essentially a way to unite the security of any residential building units into others is that each unit satu.Keuntungan dwelling house located within the cluster could be "removed" so that the living fence outside / landscape in clusters feels more spacious without losing the sense of security. However, the cluster system has a fundamental weakness of the isolation environment with short-term sekitar.Untuk did this isolation could still be tolerated, or even this isolation is required because the adjacent environment is less supportive of environmental comfort in cluster.Tetapi for the long term and to the arrangement in This is an urban scale isolation pengkotak unwanted social boxed for a community town.
Are there other ways that can make a region continue to feel safe while continuing to maintain a direct relationship with the surrounding environment? There. And it is mentioned as a technology, called "The Defensible Space" technology called because the system was developed based on testing a theory perdasarkan by conducting in-depth research on residential areas diseantero United States in connection with the level of security that occurred.
What is Defensible Space, and his background? :
On July 30, 1972 a complex of public housing (public housing) who called Pruit Igoe in St. downtown. Louis in the State of Missouri in the U.S. in until flush with tanah.Seluruh robohkan complex consisting of eleven 30-storey building and contains a 2780 apartment units worth 300 million dollars was not only failing to fulfill its function but also dangerous for occupancy. Dangerous? How could a residential complex dangerous? It's not a weakness but a misconception desain.Bangunan structure consisting of hundreds of apartment dwelling units must have a corridor connecting corridors and open spaces or closed spaces that can be used bersama.Di Pruit Igoe corridors in apartment block intended as a place of social interaction changed to the scene of the crime and violence and vandalism on all levels. Designed as a playground where children develop self-practice teen turned into a place of violence. Finally at one point the most needy families choose to live on the streets rather than inhabiting it and Pruit Igoe apertemen met his end only about 12 years after inaugurated.
The entire complex was designed by Minoru Yamasaki during the peak of what is referred to as the flow of modernism architecture. This flow is basically rationalize all aspects of architectural design in line with the spirit that brought about by advances in technology and industry in his day. Architectural modernism for about a decade starting from the time of World War II berahirnya experiencing the golden age. Actually a lot of similar apartments apartment Pruit-Igoe was built with the principles of modernism built and managed. Only difference Pruit Igoe apartment is part of Public Housing project funded by the government and intended for occupancy by lower-class society in which it is impossible to provide funding for system safety. So similar to the Cheap Flats are being built in Indonesia.Sementara massive utopian principles in the design of architectural modernism succeeded in the design of apartments for the middle class and above work well, in fact, it collides with the principles of the social reality of the world's lower-class society. Then living is a big question, what should be done so that this tragedy does not happen again? What lesson can be drawn? Lessons were carefully look good either by an architect named Oscar Newman in a study aimed to examine the crime in residential areas.
Oscar Newman is an architect who is very concerned with the social environment of an area of study that perumahan.Dengan Oscar Newman managed to build the kind of design principles for good neighborhood called the Space.Defensible Defensible Space is to design a residential environment that considers several physical elements / building of a few things:
1. Teritoriality, namely a feeling of belonging and control the environment of a group of occupancy for the sake of having a sense of security penghuninya.Perasan this can only be obtained if a space around the dwelling units have clear boundaries.
2. Monitoring of the environment (Natural Surveillance) = Occupants can directly observe the public areas which are in its territory.
3. Image is the ability of physical design for member security.
4. Milieu, elements that can support the environmental elements of security such as proximity to a police station or crowded places.
The point is that a building will always create a space / territories with different levels keprivasian diverse. And Composition keprivasian space determines how secure the building from the disruption of crime and vandalism.Tingkat keprivasian starting from the privacy of space such as space in an apartment which is considered the most sacred for the residents, to public space where everyone including penghuninnya can not enter freely. Between two levels that have some level keprivasian keprivasian among other semi-private and semi-public. Defensible space is especially important when a building lot level (above 10 floors), inhabited by many types of apartments / flats.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Friday, June 1, 2007
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
A Guide to Creating a Minimalist apertemen

I can not say that I really apertemen minimalist, but not messy, and most people I know would call a minimalist apertemen beautiful.
One visitor who saw my kitchen and said, "I've never seen a kitchen that looks so clean, so the things clear!" Well, I do my best to stay clean, but the button to delete items that are not needed.
For example, on the floor of the kitchen / dining room with only a few main table (the obvious confusion there), chairs, a few counter seats, high chairs, step stools for children. At the ticket window with only a toaster, microwave and coffee.
This is a minimalist aspertemen with character and contentment and life? Some might think so, but I get a strange satisfaction, fulfillment, looked around and saw the chaos apertemen free. It's calming, and liberating, and quite good.
Benefits of a Minimalist apertemen
I could go for a while this is possible, but I just list a few major benefits:
1. Less stress. Chaos is a form of visual disturbances, and everything in our vision of at least a little interesting. Less mess, less stress we have a visual. A minimalist home is calming.
2. More interesting. Think about the image apertemen cluttered, and photos apertemen minimalist. That compares to almost nothing in it except some beautiful furniture, some artwork, good, and some decorations are very beautiful, is the most interesting part of us. You can make your home more attractive to be more minimalist.
3. It is easy to clean. Difficult to clean a large number of objects, or sweep or vacuum around a bunch of furniture. Goods you have, the more you have to keep it clean, and more complicated to clean around the stuff. Think about how easy it is to clean the room is empty, compared with 50 objects in it. That's an extreme example, of course, because I do not recommend you have an empty space, but only to illustrate the difference.
What Looks Like apertemen Minimalist
This will vary, of course, depending on your taste and how you want an extreme minimalist. I am a minimalist, but I do not have the extreme. But here are some characteristics of a minimalist apertemen:
* Minimum of furniture. A minimalist room only contains a few essential appliances. A family room, for example, may only have a bed, chair or chairs, coffee table, a minimalist entertainment stand (not one with a large group of racks), television and some lights. can even contain less (couch, chairs and coffee table, for example). A space may have a simple (or even just a mattress), wardrobe, and maybe night stand or a bookshelf.
* Clean the surface. In apertemen minimalist, flat surface is clear, but one or two decorations (see next item). No amount of jewelry knacks, and definitely not stacks of books or newspapers or other goods.
* Accent decorations. A full house would obviously be a bit boring, actually. So instead of having coffee tables free of any objects, you can have a simple vase with some flowers, for example. Or delete the table may only have a family photo. Blank walls that may have a good part of the art (I use my father's work, as he's a great artist).
* The quality rather than quantity. Instead of having many things in your apertemen, minimalist would choose just a few things very well and love are often used. A really nice table, for example, is better than five press-board furniture.
* Example. Photos at the top of this post is a good example of minimalist apertemen (not apertemen me, but I hope it is). See more photos of a beautiful home. traditional Japanese style houses is another example of minimalism, as it spreads well.
How to Create a Minimalist apertemen
This does not really determine the steps to make your home minimalist, except for changing the philosophy and goals to shoot in the previous section above. But here are some tips that I would offer to anyone trying to shoot for minimalism:
1. One room at a time. Unless you move to a new place, it is difficult to simplify the whole apertemen once. Focus on one room, and let that be the center of peace. Use it to inspire you to simplify the next room, and the next. Then do the same thing outside!
2. Start with furniture. The things in the room is the furniture, so you always have to begin simplifying a room with furniture appearance. Several pieces of furniture, the better (with reason, of course). Think about furniture that can be eliminated without sacrificing comfort and livability. Go to a few pieces of plain, simple furniture (eg, minimalist coffee table) with strong, soft colors.
3. Only the essentials. Do you see any furniture or the room, ask yourself whether the item is really important. If you can live without it, remove it. Try to strip the room to its core - you can always add a few items outside of the important choices later.
4. Remove the floor. Except for furniture, floors you really need to be clear. No need to clutter the floor, not necessarily pretty, do not have to be stored on the floor. Once you get into a big bare of furniture, all is clear again on the floor - either donate it, trash, or looking for a place to get out of sight.
5. Remove the surface. As with all flat surfaces. Nothing in it, except one or two simple decorations (See Tip 9 below). Donation, or find in the outside garbage storage area to the other side. Will make everything much, much less handsome.
6. Clean the wall. Some people hang all kinds of items on the wall. Can not be done in a minimalist apertemen. Remove the wall except for one or two simple pieces of nice artwork (see Tip 8 below).
7. Keep items out of sight. It has been mentioned above tips, but you must save everything you need from view, and long pants in the closet. Bookshelves can be used to store books or DVDs or CDs, but should not exceed except simple decorations (not whole collections of objects).
8. Declutter. If you are clearing and the average surface, and store goods in cupboards and drawers, you might want to declutter your storage area as well. You can do this in the future if you want. How to Declutter see more.
9. Simple works of art. To keep the room is not boring, you can put a simple painting, drawing or photograph, framed with soft, solid color, on each wall if you want. Leave some walls bare if possible.
10. Simple decorations. Referred to in the above tips, one or two simple decorations can be used as accents for a minimalist space. A small vase of flowers or plants taken two classic examples. If the rest of the rooms have a weak color, you can use bright colors (like red or yellow) to draw the eye and give a plain splash of space energy.
11. Plain window treatments. Bare windows, or simple, solid color curtains, or simple, wooden blinds are good. Too much ornate stuff around the window is chaos.
12. Plain patterns. Solid colors are best for floor coverings (if you have one), furniture, etc. Complex patterns, such as flowers or checkers, are visual clutter.
13. Soft colors. As mentioned in Tip 9 above, you can have a splash of bright color in the room, but most rooms have more subtle colors - white and minimalist classic, but any solid color that does not stress the eyes is good (earth colors come to mind, such as blues, brown, tan, green).
14. Edit and eliminate. When you've simplified the room, you may be able to do more. Give a few days, and then look at everything with fresh eyes. What can be deleted? Saved from seeing? What is not important? You can return to their rooms every few months, and sometimes you will find things that can simplify even more.
15. A place for everything. I have discussed in this post, but in a minimalist house, it is important that you find a place for everything, and remember the places where they are located. Where do you go blender? Give the place, and stick with it. logical place to aim for close to a place that used to make things more efficient, but the key that points to a place.
16. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. Once a simple room, take the time to see and enjoy. It's so peaceful and pleasant. This is the reward for hard work. Ahhhh. So good!
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Assante apertemen Canggu
Assante apertemen Canggu |apertemen 4 Bedrooms
Private apertemen canggu
Low 550 + + | High 650 + + | Peak 800 + +
Brand new private apertemen;apertemen Assante, is a luxury brand new 4 bedroooms of the apertemen in 1900 sqm of land and the location of Canggu, within walking distance of 250 meters or 5 minutes walking.
Assante apertemen is a modern villa combining luxury and comfort and ultimate enjoyment of tropical surrounding. Sufficiently reduced to a plot of land gently stepping up the river adjacent to the premise with lush rice field, the other half of the houses are 3 separate pavilions accommodateg and 8 adults in its 4 luxurious suites.
Entering the wooden entrance door to the main pavilion housing the four bedrooms, all come to EN SUITE bathroom with walk-in closet, and feature modern large LCD screen with a DVD player and international TV channels. Three bedrooms have double bed, while the remaining one has twin beds.
En-suite bathrooms, the lower floor bedrooms offer unique bathing experience is too freestanding terrazzo bathtub positioned behind full glass wall overlooking a garden enclosed. A separated standing shower is located in the outdoor garden. EN-suite bedrooms upstairs indoors. The lack of bathtub these bedrooms only offer a standing shower. Double sinks are standard in all bathrooms, as well as hair dryers.
A few steps down over lush garden are two open living pavilions positioned next to each other, separated by a shallow area, a swimming pool. It is the right of the living area comfortable couches suitable for relaxed lounging and other get-together features. Dining area on the left side of the long dining table seating official 10th Connected to the dining area is a very modern kitchen. Both pavilions are open to three sides allowing them to travel freely throughout the wind while enjoying the views over the swimming pool.
In front of the living pavilions is large swimming pool with shallow children's section and along the deck, two spacious swimming pool next to it, which is also suitable for barbecue. A few steps down from the poolside, spacious lawn in front of riverside is suitable for children's playground or garden party.
Approx. 250 meters walk from the apertemen, which belonged to Echo Beach, the most famous spot of Canggu beach where most of Surfers - both casuals and professionals - Catch the wave to travel further. There are two decent restaurants down the beach offering international dishes and grilled seafood, both offering free high-speed Internet connection.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Apertemen Modern Minimalis
Interior Design Art Deco apertemen and Modern Minimalis
Saturday, 14 February 2009 7:58 BIMAN3T
Home Design Modern Art Deco
To look neat and well considered, it is up to the house interior diselaraskan with fasad building. If you see the face of art deco, the interior also does not run from that style. Similarly, the model for minimalist home, the interior is designed with style senada. Home Design Modern Art DecoAlthough in its application, not even a second style itu.Untuk interior space, art deco style of the implementation of many rounded ornaments, boxes, or other geometrical shape, just as accents only. For example, only used for display or TV cabinet cabinet lainnya.Sedangkan other furniture such as desks and chairs, a simple model of the selected finishingnya and cocoa brown color (dark brown). When necessary, given the black accent color to look more luxurious. Home Design Modern Art Deco
if minimalist concept, because everything is done completely, thus it does not appear to be empty space should be given a little accent. For example, there was a table or chair tradisional.Material other design accents also can be used, such as products such as handicraft statue (statue), Sculpture, and other accessories that, when visiting the area or result melancong abroad. family rooms, home to art deco model, or minimalist, the better the chocolate color and fiber-fiber wood addition, many people such as wood nyantoh, because the fiber is straight, or slightly reddish mahogany color. While models furniturenya also selected a simple, no-wear carving and engraving profil.Sedangkan tables and chairs in the hall, also choose a simple model. Top of the table is to use wood, you can also use the glass. Wall space is given to eat jewelry, such as Yogyakarta sandstone, glass and mirror boxes (glass solder). Home Design Modern Art Deco
Bedroom design ideas
bedroom desains
Instead of living room with a dull and boring, why not transform. You can choose from a full transform to give you enough room to put a beautiful face increased. Start by determining your budget, specific ideas, and the number of hours you must devote to the project. For example, if you want to transform a room down to the sick during the long holiday sunday, you can be more limited on what can be done if you do not have the time. Referring to the considerations that will perform the work. If you engage a professional, then you will have to weigh things out of a different if you only do work.
If you want to give you room to put a new gleam and new, which begins with a variety of fabrics, textures, colors and models. Simple to change jobs, change the bed of eiderdown outside, from the window treatments, and the image-model can change all aspects of the room. While working with the cloth, you just remember to measure the printed fabric. The executive of the table can also make a big difference. If you currently have a bedroom that model country in which your images are in a frame decorated with flowers reinforcements from the timber, with the reinforcements to be black, wood, or clear, you can take a glimpse into the contemporary. You may want to be a bedroom, a man with a French flair. Using a huge gold reinforcements will help with the decorations.
Planning to add a cushion to beds and chairs, or to change the outside cover of the pillow that you have. If you have a good cushion and the amount of interest hives, you can remove hives and sewing a simple sheath, completely change the aspect. Draperies and cornices are also very good by the transformation that will be your bedroom. Rather than use the same cloth as the place of the curtain panels, bed spread or feather-bed, and cloth model that uses the same layout but the color coordination, do not match.
Even pieces of furniture that can be used to repair the end of the work. If you have a planer and bedhead, built a solid but not the best pieces of furniture at a glance
Room to put a `Remodelling of room to put the idea of` room to put a `` transformation of ideas to improve
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Interior Design apertemen

you-you make all the needed services and construction drawings for the construction project or shop house office space design and manufacture of home (kitchen, bathroom, main room, etc.), we have experienced architects in making pictures and working on development projects in several houses and rooms apartment at roughly
we still have a lot of sample images
Monday, January 1, 2007
10 Children Staircase most unique WITH PICT

Sobat pastinya sudah mengenal "anak tangga" bukan?? tapi apa mungkin sobat sudah melihat ke 10 anak tangga yang akan sy paparkan??? ya udah biar ngga banyak basa basi,, kita liat aja langsung ,, yo'a..!! ChEcK ThIs OuT!!
A unique design made in steps Ecole for an apartment in Paris.